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Operation Feed the Need

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On June 11, Union Mill Elementary sixth graders participated in their school’s community service project, Operation Feed the Need, which helps provide meals to Fairfax County students who would otherwise not have enough food to eat on weekends. Throughout the school year at Union Mill, each grade level has taken its turn in holding a two-week food drive in which students and their families were asked to donate single-serving, child-friendly items such as macaroni and cheese, pasta, stew and soup microwavable cups, tuna salad kits, fruit cups, breakfast bars, oatmeal packets, and cheese and cracker sandwiches. At the end of each two-week food drive, the students put together packets of food, which are then ready to be distributed to students in need of weekend meals. Each of the packets contains enough breakfast, lunch, and dinner items for two weekend days, along with two snacks and two drinks. During the month of June, all Union Mill families were invited to participate in a school-wide food drive in order to provide meal packets to children in Fairfax County who will be in need of meals during the summer break from school. On June 11, Union Mill sixth grade students, their teachers, and parent volunteers gathered in the cafeteria and assembled more than 560 packets of food. Operation Feed the Need is coordinated by Union Mill PTA co-chairs Kate Trussell and Diann Harrity.


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