Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Making Virginia a Climate Leader

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Making Virginia a Climate Leader

We don’t have time to waste in the face of the climate crisis. A recent climate report from the National Audubon Society revealed that two-thirds of North American bird species are vulnerable to extinction from climate change, including nearly 70 species found in Virginia. From the coasts of the Chesapeake Bay to the forests of the Blue Ridge Mountains, birds like the Field Sparrow and Cerulean Warbler may lose nearly all of their seasonal habitat range. We need practical, ambitious climate solutions to protect our state’s birds.

The Virginia Clean Economy Act (HB 1526 / SB 851) can help by leading our state on a path to achieve a 100 percent carbon-free economy that will help our birds, our environment, and our communities thrive. This bill is not the only step Virginia should take to address climate change—but it’s a great first step. I urge Senator Barker and the General Assembly to make cutting carbon emissions a top priority. We must act now to make Virginia a climate leader and prevent another year of inaction.

Nikka De Mesa

National Audubon Society
